The CERA Global Association (CGA) is delighted to welcome Nils Rømer to the CERA Treaty Board and Board of Directors, representing Den Danske Aktuarforening.
Since October 2018, Nils is Associate Partner at Analytika in Denmark which provides consulting in the financial sector with focus on insurance.
He has worked for almost 15 years in non-life reinsurance at G.E. Insurance Solutions and Swiss Re and latest more than 10 years experience as Chief Actuary in RSA’s Scandinavian companies Codan Forsikring and TryggHansa. Nils has deep expertise in all technical aspects of non-life insurance in all Nordic countries. Nils has had non-life Chief Actuary roles in both reinsurance and primary insurance covering pricing, reserving, capital modelling as well as heading capital management and investments.
Since 2017, Nils has served as President of Den Danske Aktuarforening or The Danish Society of Actuaries.
Nils holds a Master’s degree in Actuarial Science (M.SC) from University of Copenhagen.
Nils takes over from Kristoffer Bork, whom we thank for his participation and contributions to the Board and CGA since Den Danske Aktuarforening joined as an Award Signatory in 2015.