CERA Credential /
You need to meet the education and training requirements as set out in the global CERA Treaty.
To be eligible for the CERA credential, you need to have reached the minimum standard required by the International Actuarial Association (IAA) syllabus in order to be described as a “fully qualified actuary”, and then also need to meet the additional ERM educational standard in line with the CERA syllabus. For some actuarial associations, the IAA standard is designated by the Associate level and thus the CERA credential is pitched somewhere between Associate and Fellowship (although is often obtained by actuaries who are already Fellows).
All Member Associations accredited to award the CERA credential have their own routes and may also have accredited their own university routes.
Note that in order to obtain the CERA credential you must have reached at least “fully qualified actuary” status according to your association, which normally takes three to five years. The additional ERM specific requirements of the syllabus mean that the CERA credential is likely to take a little longer than this.
There will be fees payable for sitting the examinations, attending seminars (if part of the examination route), for the course materials and for any tuition that you decide to undertake. Please refer to your own association for further information or contact us.
If you would like to learn more about how the CGA and CERA credential work, watch this short video.
The CERA credential adds value to a career. CERA offers a wide range of opportunities and gives you the chance to apply your mathematical and statistical skills to real life challenges.
©2022 CERA Global Association