The Web Session ‘Processes in ERM’
This module deals with the challenges of implementing ERM Processes. It includes requirements on ERM Processes and the discussion of best practices. It will be presented how to define an organisation’s risk strategy, risk appetite, risk tolerances and limits. We discuss how business strategy influences risk strategy and show their necessary interaction. We demonstrate the close relationship between ERM and Value and Risk Based Management and show how financial and other risks influence the selection of strategy. We show how ERM can be appropriately imbedded in an entity’s strategic planning and discuss the Own Risk and Solvency Assessment. We present the application of an internal risk control process. In the context of ERM reports to different stakeholders are required (management, supervisory body, regulators, public disclosure). We give an overview of the different reports and the main contents. Further we show examples of communication processes in the context of ERM. During the web session we present case studies to discuss the main subjects.
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