The CERA Global Association (CGA) is pleased to announce that Chu Lee has become the 3,000th person to earn the prestigious CERA (Chartered Enterprise Risk Actuary) credential.
Chu is a member of the Society of Actuaries in the US and Assistant Actuary, Corporate Actuarial Department, Munich Re, US (Life).
Ron Hersmis, Chairman of the CGA, is delighted to congratulate Chu Lee on this significant achievement and recognise this important step forward for global risk management. “There is a global demand for skilled enterprise risk management professionals. CERA is one of the most comprehensive and rigorous enterprise risk management qualifications available.
A CERA, because of their training and experience, can assess and manage the entire risk spectrum of an organisation including financial, operational and strategic risk. Chu and the other CERAs across the globe add value to enterprise risk management through their rigorous training, making them the best equipped to provide a 3600 view of an organisation’s risk profile.”
Chu said, “I was surprised and honored to be the 3,000th CERA. I did not realise so many CERAs existed, nor did I know that within a one-year timeframe the group would grow by another 500 members! I am very impressed and very proud to be part of the group.
I have been interested in understanding the risk related to my work throughout my career, and my interest has grown exponentially in my current role in asset liability management at Munich Re. When the SOA offered ERM as part of the FSA track to attain the CERA, I jumped on the opportunity. I truly believe that the value of the training I received far outweighs the additional work put forth attaining the qualification.
The CERA qualification expanded my knowledge of various risk management methodologies across numerous areas of actuarial practice. In particular, it expanded how I look at the current work I am doing in asset liability management. Having the CERA qualification will enhance my contribution, customer focus and also further my personal development. Having been equipped with a variety of perspectives, I feel confident the CERA qualification will add value to my current work as well as future opportunities.”
For more information about becoming a CERA or how employing a CERA can benefit your business, visit the website