CERA Global Association – virtual conference

To celebrate its 10 year anniversary, the CERA Global Association (CGA), in partnership with Actuview, held its first virtual conference.

The theme of the conference was ‘Looking to the future of ERM’, aligning to the CGA’s stated aim to be relevant to the global actuarial community.

The CGA is tremendously grateful to all who contributed to the virtual conference:

  • Nick Dumbreck, Chair of the CERA Global Association;
  • Frank Schiller, Munich Re;
  • Maria Jesús Romero, Zurich Spain;
  • Arthur Els, SNG Argen Actuarial Solutions;
  • Dave Ingram (Willis Towers Watson) and Max Rudolph (Rudolph Financial Consulting);
  • Greg Martin, ClearView Wealth Limited; and
  • many more.

Access the virtual conference.


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Find out more about the CERA credential and the CERA Global Association